To me, the key to achieving new results is change.
Albert Einstein once said that 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result'.
If you want to change, you have to change.
Your Strategy
Your Marketing
Your Systems and Processes
Your Beliefs
Your Network
and so on..
and you change your results.
The change doesn't necessarily need to be big, it doesn't necessarily mean you need to stop one thing and implement another. It's not only likely, but it's highly probable that what you're currently doing, could be done better in simple, small ways that can have a very powerful, compounding impact with little to no added cost.
One way of doing things could out perform another by many multiples so consider what your desired results are and then examine ways in which you could implement changes that will move you closer to achieving those results. Test them, analyse them and implement them.
I hope this finds you well and that it brings value to you and your business.